Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India
Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India, showcasing the visionary women entrepreneurs making significant strides in the technology startup ecosystem. These leaders are driving innovation across various sectors including AI, fintech, healthtech, and more, with their groundbreaking startups. Dive into detailed profiles of each woman entrepreneur, highlighting their startup journey, technological innovations, and impact on the Indian tech landscape. Whether you’re an investor, aspiring entrepreneur, or tech enthusiast, this guide provides valuable insights into the achievements and contributions of these inspiring women in tech startups in India.

1. Radhika Aggarwal

Co-founder of ShopClues, an e-commerce platform. Radhika Aggarwal is a co-founder of ShopClues, one of India’s leading e-commerce marketplaces. With a background in fashion and retail, she has leveraged her expertise to build a platform that caters to the diverse needs of Indian consumers. Under her leadership, ShopClues has become a trusted name in the e-commerce sector, known for its wide range of products and customer-centric approach. Aggarwal’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to her vision, resilience, and commitment to transforming the digital retail landscape in India.

NameRadhika Aggarwal
PositionCo-founder of ShopClues
Key AchievementsBuilding one of India’s leading e-commerce marketplaces
BackgroundFashion and retail
Leadership StyleCustomer-centric and innovative
ImpactRevolutionizing online shopping for Indian consumers

Radhika Aggarwal: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

2. Upasana Taku

Co-founder of MobiKwik, a digital wallet and online payment system. Upasana Taku is the co-founder of MobiKwik, one of India’s foremost digital wallet and online payment systems. With a background in engineering and management, she has been instrumental in driving the digital payments revolution in India. Taku’s leadership has been pivotal in MobiKwik’s growth, offering convenient and secure payment solutions to millions of users. Her innovative approach and dedication to financial inclusion have made significant strides in transforming the way transactions are conducted in India.

NameUpasana Taku
PositionCo-founder of MobiKwik
IndustryDigital Payments
Key AchievementsEstablishing one of India’s leading digital wallet platforms
BackgroundEngineering and Management
Leadership StyleInnovative and Inclusive
ImpactAdvancing digital payments and financial inclusion in India
Upasana Taku :Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

3. Suchi Mukherjee

Founder and CEO of Limeroad, a social commerce platform. Suchi Mukherjee is the founder and CEO of Limeroad, a prominent social commerce platform in India. With a background in economics and extensive experience in the tech and retail sectors, she has successfully created a unique shopping experience that blends social interaction with e-commerce. Mukherjee’s vision has led Limeroad to become a popular destination for fashion enthusiasts, offering curated collections and user-generated content. Her entrepreneurial spirit and innovative strategies have made a significant impact on India’s online retail industry.

NameSuchi Mukherjee
PositionFounder and CEO of Limeroad
IndustrySocial Commerce
Key AchievementsBuilding a leading social commerce platform in India
BackgroundEconomics, Tech, and Retail
Leadership StyleVisionary and Innovative
ImpactRevolutionizing online fashion shopping with social commerce
Suchi Mukherjee: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

4. Falguni Nayar

Founder of Nykaa, an online beauty and wellness store. Falguni Nayar is the founder of Nykaa, one of India’s leading online beauty and wellness stores. With a background in investment banking and finance, she transitioned to entrepreneurship with a mission to provide Indian consumers with a wide range of beauty products. Under her leadership, Nykaa has grown into a trusted and influential brand, offering a comprehensive selection of cosmetics, skincare, and wellness products. Nayar’s strategic vision and dedication to customer satisfaction have positioned Nykaa as a pioneer in the beauty e-commerce sector in India.

NameFalguni Nayar
PositionFounder of Nykaa
IndustryBeauty E-commerce
Key AchievementsCreating a leading online beauty and wellness store in India
BackgroundInvestment Banking and Finance
Leadership StyleStrategic and Customer-focused
ImpactTransforming the beauty retail landscape in India
Falguni Nayar: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

5. Richa Kar

Co-founder of Zivame, an online lingerie store. Richa Kar is the co-founder of Zivame, an innovative online lingerie store in India. With a background in engineering and management, she identified a gap in the market for quality and accessible lingerie. Kar’s vision led to the creation of Zivame, which offers a wide range of lingerie, intimate wear, and activewear, empowering women to shop comfortably and confidently. Her approach to destigmatizing lingerie shopping in India and providing a personalized shopping experience has made Zivame a leading brand in the industry.

NameRicha Kar
PositionCo-founder of Zivame
IndustryOnline Lingerie Retail
Key AchievementsEstablishing a pioneering online lingerie store in India
BackgroundEngineering and Management
Leadership StyleVisionary and Customer-centric
ImpactTransforming lingerie shopping experience for Indian women
Richa Kar: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

6. Ankiti Bose

Co-founder and CEO of Zilingo, a fashion and lifestyle marketplace. Ankiti Bose is the co-founder and CEO of Zilingo, a fashion and lifestyle marketplace that connects businesses and consumers across the globe. With a background in economics and mathematics, Bose identified the potential to digitize the fashion supply chain in Southeast Asia. Her leadership has propelled Zilingo into a significant player in the fashion tech industry, offering solutions that streamline operations, from sourcing to retail. Bose’s innovative approach has not only revolutionized the fashion industry but also empowered small and medium enterprises to scale their operations.

NameAnkiti Bose
PositionCo-founder and CEO of Zilingo
IndustryFashion Tech
Key AchievementsBuilding a global fashion and lifestyle marketplace
BackgroundEconomics and Mathematics
Leadership StyleInnovative and Empowering
ImpactDigitizing the fashion supply chain and empowering SMEs
Ankiti Bose: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

7. Aditi Gupta

Co-founder of Menstrupedia, an online resource for menstrual health. Aditi Gupta is the co-founder of Menstrupedia, an educational platform dedicated to spreading awareness about menstrual health and hygiene. With a background in engineering and user experience design, Gupta was inspired to create Menstrupedia to combat the taboo and misinformation surrounding menstruation in India. The platform offers comic books, workshops, and resources to educate young girls, boys, and their communities. Gupta’s efforts have had a profound impact on menstrual health education, fostering a more informed and supportive environment for menstruating individuals.

NameAditi Gupta
PositionCo-founder of Menstrupedia
IndustryMenstrual Health Education
Key AchievementsCreating an impactful educational platform on menstruation
BackgroundEngineering and User Experience Design
Leadership StyleEducational and Empathetic
ImpactEnhancing menstrual health awareness and breaking taboos
Aditi Gupta: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

8. Shradha Sharma

Founder and CEO of YourStory, a media platform for startups and entrepreneurs. Shradha Sharma is the founder and CEO of YourStory, a leading media platform that showcases stories of entrepreneurs and startups. With a background in journalism, Sharma has passionately championed the narratives of innovators and disruptors across India. Her platform has become synonymous with celebrating the grit, resilience, and diverse journeys of entrepreneurs, providing a crucial spotlight on India’s startup ecosystem. Sharma’s unwavering commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices and driving meaningful conversations has made YourStory an indispensable resource for the entrepreneurial community.

NameShradha Sharma
PositionFounder and CEO of YourStory
IndustryMedia and Entrepreneurship
Key AchievementsEstablishing a pivotal media platform for startups
Leadership StylePassionate and Advocative
ImpactEmpowering entrepreneurs through storytelling
Shradha Sharma: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

9. Ashwini Asokan

Founder and CEO of Mad Street Den, an AI startup. Ashwini Asokan is the founder and CEO of Mad Street Den, an artificial intelligence startup based in India. With a background in computer science and design, Asokan has pioneered the development of AI technologies that enhance customer experiences and drive innovation across industries. Mad Street Den’s flagship product,, leverages computer vision and AI to revolutionize retail experiences, from personalized shopping recommendations to automated product tagging. Asokan’s visionary leadership has positioned Mad Street Den as a leader in AI-driven solutions, empowering businesses globally to harness the power of artificial intelligence.

NameAshwini Asokan
PositionFounder and CEO of Mad Street Den
IndustryArtificial Intelligence
Key AchievementsPioneering AI solutions for retail and beyond
BackgroundComputer Science and Design
Leadership StyleVisionary and Technologically-driven
ImpactTransforming industries with AI-driven innovation
Ashwini Asokan: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

10. Richa Singh

Co-founder of YourDOST, an online counseling and emotional wellness platform. Richa Singh is the co-founder of YourDOST, an online platform that provides emotional support and counseling services. With a background in technology and entrepreneurship, Singh recognized the need for accessible mental health resources in India. YourDOST offers confidential sessions with trained professionals and resources on various mental health topics, aiming to break the stigma associated with seeking help. Singh’s dedication to mental well-being has made YourDOST a trusted ally for individuals navigating life’s challenges, fostering a supportive community and promoting mental health awareness across the country.

NameRicha Singh
PositionCo-founder of YourDOST
IndustryMental Health Support
Key AchievementsEstablishing an impactful online platform for counseling
BackgroundTechnology and Entrepreneurship
Leadership StyleEmpathetic and Supportive
ImpactEnhancing mental health awareness and support in India
Richa Singh: Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

These trailblazing women demonstrate the profound impact of female leadership in India’s tech startup ecosystem. Their ventures not only exemplify innovation and entrepreneurial spirit but also address diverse needs, from e-commerce and fashion to mental health and AI. By breaking barriers and setting new standards, they inspire the next generation of women entrepreneurs, highlighting the critical role of gender diversity in driving sustainable growth and innovation in the tech industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Top 10 Women in Tech Startups in India

Radhika Aggarwal

Q: What is Radhika Aggarwal known for?
A: Radhika Aggarwal is known for co-founding ShopClues, an online marketplace in India. She is recognized for her significant contributions to e-commerce in India and her role as a prominent woman entrepreneur.

Q: What were the key challenges Radhika Aggarwal faced while building ShopClues?
A: Radhika Aggarwal faced challenges such as intense market competition, securing funding, and managing operational logistics. Despite these challenges, she successfully scaled ShopClues into one of India’s leading online marketplaces.

Upasana Taku

Q: What is Upasana Taku famous for?
A: Upasana Taku is famous for co-founding MobiKwik, a leading digital wallet and payment platform in India. She has been instrumental in driving the fintech revolution in the country.

Q: How did Upasana Taku contribute to MobiKwik’s success?
A: Upasana Taku played a crucial role in strategizing and expanding MobiKwik’s services, including partnerships, user acquisition, and product development, making it a prominent player in India’s digital payments space.

Suchi Mukherjee

Q: What is Limeroad, and who founded it?
A: Limeroad is an online shopping platform for clothing and accessories, founded by Suchi Mukherjee. It is known for its unique scrapbook feature, allowing users to create and share looks.

Q: What inspired Suchi Mukherjee to start Limeroad?
A: Suchi Mukherjee was inspired to start Limeroad after noticing the lack of a vibrant and engaging online shopping experience in India. Her vision was to create a platform that combined commerce with social engagement.

Falguni Nayar

Q: What company did Falguni Nayar found, and what is its significance?
A: Falguni Nayar founded Nykaa, a leading beauty and wellness e-commerce platform in India. Nykaa has revolutionized the beauty retail industry in India with its wide range of products and a strong online presence.

Q: What was Falguni Nayar’s background before starting Nykaa?
A: Before starting Nykaa, Falguni Nayar had a successful career in investment banking. She was the Managing Director at Kotak Mahindra Capital Company, bringing valuable experience in business and finance to her entrepreneurial venture.

Richa Kar

Q: What is Zivame, and who is its founder?
A: Zivame is an online lingerie store founded by Richa Kar. It aims to provide a comfortable and private shopping experience for women in India, offering a wide range of lingerie and intimate wear.

Q: What motivated Richa Kar to start Zivame?
A: Richa Kar was motivated to start Zivame after recognizing the discomfort and limited choices women faced while shopping for lingerie in India. She aimed to create a platform that empowered women to shop for intimate wear with ease and confidence.

Ankiti Bose

Q: What is Zilingo, and who co-founded it?
A: Zilingo is a fashion and lifestyle e-commerce platform co-founded by Ankiti Bose. It connects merchants and manufacturers to consumers, offering a vast array of products from different regions.

Q: What challenges did Ankiti Bose face while building Zilingo?
A: Ankiti Bose faced challenges such as navigating different market regulations, building a diverse and global team, and establishing a robust supply chain. Her perseverance and strategic vision were key to overcoming these hurdles.

Aditi Gupta

Q: What initiative is Aditi Gupta known for, and what does it aim to address?
A: Aditi Gupta is known for co-founding Menstrupedia, an educational platform that provides information about menstruation. It aims to break taboos and spread awareness about menstrual health and hygiene.

Q: What inspired Aditi Gupta to create Menstrupedia?
A: Aditi Gupta was inspired to create Menstrupedia due to her own experiences and the lack of proper menstrual education and awareness in India. She wanted to provide a resource that educated young girls and women about menstruation in a positive and informative manner.

Shradha Sharma

Q: What is YourStory, and who founded it?
A: YourStory is a media platform that covers startup stories, entrepreneurship, and innovation, founded by Shradha Sharma. It has become a significant source of inspiration and information for entrepreneurs in India.

Q: How did Shradha Sharma build YourStory into a successful platform?
A: Shradha Sharma built YourStory by focusing on authentic storytelling, highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs, and creating a supportive community. Her commitment to quality content and her ability to connect with the entrepreneurial ecosystem contributed to the platform’s success.

Ashwini Asokan

Q: What company did Ashwini Asokan co-found, and what is its focus?
A: Ashwini Asokan co-founded Mad Street Den, an artificial intelligence company that focuses on building AI solutions for various industries, including retail, healthcare, and finance.

Q: What are some notable achievements of Mad Street Den under Ashwini Asokan’s leadership?
A: Under Ashwini Asokan’s leadership, Mad Street Den has developed innovative AI products such as, which provides AI-driven solutions for fashion retail. The company’s technology has been recognized for its impact on enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiencies.

Richa Singh

Q: What is YourDOST, and who co-founded it?
A: YourDOST is an online mental health and emotional wellness platform co-founded by Richa Singh. It offers counseling and support services to individuals seeking mental health assistance.

Q: What was the motivation behind Richa Singh starting YourDOST?
A: Richa Singh was motivated to start YourDOST after witnessing the lack of accessible mental health support and the stigma surrounding mental health issues in India. She aimed to create a platform where people could seek help anonymously and comfortably.


These ten women are trailblazers in their respective fields, each contributing to the tech startup ecosystem in India in unique and impactful ways. Their stories of innovation, resilience, and leadership serve as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and a testament to the transformative power of women in tech. As they continue to push boundaries and drive change, they pave the way for future generations of women to follow in their footsteps and make their own mark on the world.

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