Earth may have grown around a rock from an alien star system.

Earth may have grown around a rock from an alien star system.

Earth may have grown around a rock from an alien star system.

Interstellar objects like ‘Oumuamua might pass through our solar system in such high numbers that one could have acted as a seed around which Earth grew

Interstellar objects may have seeded the formation of planets in solar systems like our own, potentially solving a key problem with planet formation theories.

In 2017, researchers observed an object from another solar system passing through our own for the first time. They named the object ‘Oumuamua, and the general view is that it was some sort of asteroid or comet ejected from its host star system. A second interstellar object, comet Borisov, was seen in 2019.

Earth may have grown around a rock from an alien star system.


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